What Happens to Your Leach Bed if You Don't Have Your Septic Tank Pumped Regularly?

The septic tank and leach bed are essential components of your home's plumbing system. They help treat wastewater from your home before releasing it into the environment. However, failing to maintain your septic system can lead to serious problems that can cause health hazards and damage to your property. Find out what could happen to your leach bed if you don't have your septic tank pumped regularly.

The Leach Bed Becomes Clogged

When you don't pump your septic tank regularly, the solids and sludge accumulate in the tank and begin to overflow into the leach bed. Over time, the pores of the leach bed can become clogged, preventing the wastewater from draining correctly. When this happens, the wastewater remains stagnant, leading to foul odors and a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses that can cause health hazards.

Nutrient Build-Up

When the leach bed becomes clogged, it can no longer absorb the liquid wastewater. This saturation leads to a build-up of nutrients that can harm the local environment. Nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus can encourage the growth of algae, which can deplete the oxygen levels in the water and cause fish kills. Additionally, these nutrients can seep into the groundwater, contaminating potable water sources.

Ground Subsidence

When the leach bed becomes clogged, the wastewater has nowhere else to go but back into the septic system and eventually into your home. The water can also find its way to the soil beneath the leach bed, causing the ground to subside or sink. A soft, sinking base can create safety hazards and cause structural damage to your home and property.

Costly Repairs

When your leach bed becomes clogged, the only remedy is to have the leach bed replaced. Replacing a leach bed can be costly and time-consuming and requires extensive excavation. In some cases, the damage caused by a malfunctioning septic system can be so severe that you may be forced to relocate until the repairs are complete.

Health Hazards

When a septic system fails, it can lead to health hazards such as contaminated groundwater, bacterial infections, and foul odors. These hazards can have serious long-term health implications for you and your family.

A malfunctioning septic system can be dangerous and costly. You can avoid the problems associated with a clogged leach bed and eventual septic system failure by regularly pumping your septic tank. So, if you haven't pumped your septic tank in a while, contact a septic service company. They can tell you how often your tank needs to be pumped based on the tank size and the number of people in your home. 

Reach out to a company that offers septic system pumping services for more info.
