4 Things to Understand about the Septic Tank Pumping Process

If you own a septic tank, you will need to pump the septic tank regularly. As a septic tank owner, it is important to understand how the septic tank pumping process works.

#1: Pumping Schedules Vary

How often your specific tank needs to be pump depends on various factors, although generally, you need to pump your tank every three to five years. Important factors include how big your septic tank is, how many people live in your home, how much water is used regularly, and the type of waste you allow down your drains.

These factors intersect and impact how often your tank needs to be pumped. For example, suppose only two people are currently living in a three-bedroom home with a large septic tank designed for a household of 5-6 people. In that case, you can probably go for more extended periods between each septic tank pumping. If, however, you have six people living in a small home with a septic tank designed for two people, you are going to need to get your septic tank pumped much more frequently.

#2: Regular Inspections Can Help Set Your Pumping Schedule

Your septic tank isn't something you can easily judge if it is full or not, which is why yearly septic tank inspections are so necessary. With an annual inspection, the inspector will let you know how full your tank is and when you should probably pump it. They will also check the bacteria balance in your tank and make sure all components are working properly. They will work with you on any repairs your tank needs. 

#3: Use a Licensed and Bonded Pumping Contractor

Pumping a septic tank is work that requires experience and skill. Toxic gases can build up in your septic tank, and the waste that is removed needs to be treated with care.

A septic system is also a large, delicate, and expensive system that you only want someone to work on if they know what they are doing. Any contractor who is licensed and bonded will be happy to share that information with you.

#4: Know How to Access Your Tank

Septic tank access points are often buried a little underground to ensure that the tank isn't accidentally opened. That is why it is important to know where the tank lid is located, so when someone comes over to service your tank, you can easily direct them to the lid, and they don't have to waste time finding the lid to the tank.

When you live in a home with a septic tank, it is important to get the tank inspected and cleaned regularly, and you should know how to access your tank. 

To learn more, contact a company like A Aaron Super Rooter Sewer & Septic.
